Grupa: Dublin
Typ: Grupa Otwarta (każdy może dołączyć)
Utworzona przez: grupy (3.00)

Członków: 49 / Dołącz do tej grupy

Dublin i wszystko co z nim związane

Forum: Dublin / Dyskusje na temat Dublina...
valdie68 (3.69)
mężczyzna, lat 55,
Baile Bhlainséir, Irlandia

Temat:  Coś dla artystów i wielbicieli sztuki...
Open call for Annual art exhibition organised by the Irish Polish Society
This exhibition is for Irish or Polish Artists who are emerging artists or professional practicing artists. The criteria for selection are;
1. You must have been selected for a curated open submission (this includes past IPS Exhibitions)
2. Art Work needs to be 2D, hand made Art work including paintings,print etc. Photographs will not be considered
Small scale 3D Ceramic work will be considered
3. You need to be a member of IPS (You can join at this stage, but you need to have an interest in The Irish Polish Society)
Individual membership E. 12 per year
Please contact Marysia on 087 6853452 ASAP and before 20 May 2011
Dodano: 7.05.2011 22:44, ostatnio
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